
1:1 Self-Manximization Coaching

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1:1 Self-Manximization Coaching

This isn't your typical 1:1 "coaching" or "consultation".

I won't promise Genie-like magic or unreal overnight transformations - as most "coaches" are fond of doing.

Nor will I act as an all-knowing armchair expert - able to help you with "anything and everything"...

Instead, I'll guarantee you acceleration with only the transformations I've myself achieved - minus the blunders, B.S., traps, ruts, & confusion:

  • Skinny-Fat ➡ Muscly Fat ➡ Skinny ➡ Ripped & Strong - I've made nearly all possible fitness mistakes. You don't have to.

  • Insomniac & Sleep-Anxious ➡ Sleeping Care-Free Like a Baby - without any supplements, pills, meds, or doctor visits.
  • Socially Awkward ➡ Effortlessly Making Friends Wherever I Go.

  • (Socially) Anxious & Agitated ➡ Calm & Composed. Again, without any meds, pills, therapy, or B.S.
  • Dreading Girls ➡ Serial-Dating ➡ Finding True Love. Let's skip the doubt, pain, time loss, and frustration in between.

  • Hooked to My Smartphone For 12-14 Hours A Day ➡ 30-45 Mins Daily Usage. Severe migraine taught me the hard way. Let's skip the pain.
  • Addicted to Gaming/Anime/YouTube/P*rn ➡ Leveling Up in Real Life. Forget winning World Of Warcraft, let's win in Real Life.

  • Stutteringly Shy ➡ Confident & Outspoken. I still vividly recall asking "Ca-ca-ca-ca-ca-can I use the washroom?" - as my whole class burst out in laughter.
  • Severe Self-Esteem & Image Issues ➡ Healthy Self-Worth.

  • Daily Procrastination ➡ Productive But Hating Life ➡ Joyfully Productive (In ALL Spheres Of Life). Thanks to a life-changing system that aligns inner control with outer success.
  • Working a 9-to-5 ➡ Writing, Solopreneurship, & Freedom. No more looking forward to Sundays or dreading Mondays. Internet, passion, and guidance are all you need.

Did any of the above widen your eyes? Stir your heart with genuine longing? Make you vigorously nod your head?

You've then come to the right place, my friend.

P.S. These are only the major highlights of my life(style)/self changes. Seeking something else? DM me on Twitter or email me so I can confirm if I can help or not. For deeper clarity and further directions, book a 15-minute discovery call.

To Be Clear, You Can Achieve Any/All of The Above on Your Own...

I did it on my own after all. But it'll likely cost you:

  • Hours and hours of sifting through the seas of online advice.
  • Months or even years of trial, error, and self-experimentation.
  • Costly mistakes, slow/stalled progress, and frustration.

I bore the brunt of this - and learned things the hard way...

Let me help you achieve the same the easier and faster way - so you save time, money, effort, & a whole lot of frustration.

Let me give you the guidance, support, & accountability my past self would've killed for.

Why Should You Trust Me? Who Am I?

To answer the first question, it's because I'm only promising results I've myself achieved...

I. Am. The. Proof.

Not only did I achieve these results for myself, I've directly mentored tens of others - and inspired/guided thousands (More on this next).

Have goals/problems I've not (yet) achieved/solved by/for myself?

I'll be the first to turn down working 1:1 together.

Integrity is the core of my self and work.

Coming to the 2nd Question - Who Am I?...

I'm a guy who's surpassed his younger self's wildest possible dreams.

Writing about it online, I've inspired thousands of young men across the globe...

...And women:

...Wise old men as well:

But writing is visceral -> Words on a screen that might inspire you today and fade away tomorrow.

Hence, 1-on-1 Coaching...

To sit face-to-face, dispel all judgment, and work on your goal(s) and/or problem(s):

👯‍♀️ Struggling to talk to women and/or bag dates?

❤️‍🩹 Able to bag/date women but not finding fulfillment or true love?

😪 Procrastinating away your true potential?

🕹 Are porn/gaming/weed/social_media rotting your life & mind?

🏋️‍♀️ Want to lose body fat and/or gain muscle? Want to build your dream physique?

📲 Struggling with distractions & a lack of focus? Want to understand & unlock deep work?

🕳 Stuck in a rut you're unable to snap out of? Despite will power and motivation?

🖊 Want to start & make a living writing online? Enough to quit your 9-to-5 job (you dislike)?

📝 Can't stay consistent with your goals, priorities, & habits?

🈳 Don't know what your current purpose and priorities are? Feeling lost in life?

Nodded Yes to at least one or more of the above?

I can (and want to) help you - as someone who struggled with and conquered/achieved the same problems/goals.

I'll take you along the fastest and easiest path...

I'll steer you away from the traps, blunders, & misinformation I'd fallen prey to...

I'll support you with the accountability & guidance I wish I had.

Cya in our call(s)!

Here's Everything You'll Get:

📆 A Calendly Booking Link After You Make the Purchase.

🗒 Pre-Call Discovery Form to Maximize the ROI of Our Call(s).

📹 The 1:1 Session + 15-30 Minutes Buffer Time (In Case Necessary).

⏺ Lifetime Access to The 1:1 Call(s) Recordings.

% Exclusive Discounts on Subsequent Calls & Product Purchases.

🗺 A Detailed Roadmap and Custom-Tailored Action Plan for You.

📧 Post-Call Email/WhatsApp Follow-Ups and Periodic Check-Ins.

🚨 Priority-QnA Access to My Personal Email/WhatsApp Number.

Ⓜ️ 100% Free Access to The Manximize Newsletter.

📇 Hand-Picked Deep-Dive Resources Specifically for You.

What People Have To Say:

Any Further Doubts or Questions?

DM me on Twitter, contact me on LinkedIn, or email me - I'll be glad to dispel any doubts, confusion, and questions you might have.

Godspeed, Love, and Cheers!
Neeramitra Reddy

P.S. From India and prefer UPI payment? Please pay to the UPI ID neeramitra@ybl and email me a screenshot.

I want this!

1-On-1 Deep Coaching For Tangible Results:

Pre-Call Discovery Form
15-30 Mins Buffer Time For Call(s)
Lifetime Access to Call(s) Recording
Detailed & Actionable Roadmap
(Post-Call) Email/WhatsApp Follow-Ups
Handpicked Deep-Dive Resources
Bonus #1
God-Mode Mornings
Bonus #2
The TestoBoost Toolkit
Bonus #3
The Manximize Newsletter
Bonus #4
The 2-Min Journaling Template
Bonus #5
The 15-Min Bod
Bonus #6
The Aesthetic Vault
Bonus #7
5-Min Fat-Loss Simplifier
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